Friday, August 31, 2012

The Bounty of Fall

Finally the heat and drought of summer has been broken. Sure, it will be hot again before it is cold, and dry again before we get to the rainy season. But this little break has me thinking about the clear blue skies and the blaze of colors just around the corner. So maybe now is the time to name some of those beauties who are getting ready to show themselves off.

One of the easiest perennials to own and grow is Amsonia hubrictii. This ferny foliaged fellow is clean all summer, pest free, and makes a great companion to broad leaf perennials. But it turns copper in the fall, and as the angle of the sun changes and catches the lower angles, it literally shines in the landscape.
We certainly think about tree color when we think of fall color. Here's one on the very top of my list: Pistacia chinensis. This is a very tough tree in the heat, and particularly in the drought. It makes a nice large tree with a beautiful head on it. But take a look at that color.....Can you imagine any better color?

Color doesn't just come from foliage, either. The bounty of fall is full of beautiful, colorful, fruits of all kinds. One example is Ilex vomitoria 'Virginia Dare'. Yes, this is one of many many hollies. The foliage is nice and clean, the deer won't bother it, and these luminescent orange berries last all winter long.
It is time to start dreaming about fall, and planning for it, too. I'll be adding to this list of "must have" fall plants over the coming days.

Start taking notes. Fall is also for planting, and you are going to want to include some of these gems in your garden. Something to look forward to!