Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Bounty of Fall- Hummingbirds

I was working on a display bed yesterday when I gradually became aware of lots of Hummingbird chatter in the background. I turned around to find maybe half a dozen hummingbirds hovering and circling the Anisacanthus wrightii patch. When disturbed, they flew to the Salvia 'Hot Lips'. This probably had been going on for days and weeks, but I had just noticed.
Hummingbird activity has stepped up heading towards fall and their migration south. It is nice to think that my planting scheme has included many Hummingbird favorites.

Anisacanthus wrightii
Anisacanthus wrightii (Texas Firecracker) is a tough competitor in heat and drought. It flowers thru the summer till frost, and attracts bees, butterflies, and especially Hummingbirds.
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'

Salvias There are many Salvia species and cultivars that perform very well in the heat and drought of summer. If you want a perennial that does not require any work, but flowers all summer, attracts all sorts of wildlife, and is also deer resistant, this is your best choice.

Guara lindheimeri

Gaura lindheimeri I used to think I did not like this slightly floppy perennial. Although still  little loose in full sun, it does really flower well all summer, and attracts the same range of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Abutilon megapotanicum
Abutilon megapotanicum LOVE this shrub, loaded with red buds and flowers opening with their dainy yellow petticoats showing. And so do the Hummingbirds!!

 It is pretty easy to entertain me, I guess. But there's no substitute for watching those aggressive little acrobats fight for food and territory, and enjoy those flowery food sources in your garden at the same time!

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